Bee Mandala Custom Laser Engraved Ornament

A couple weeks ago, a friend from CO reached out to me to see if I could engrave an ornament similar to a tattoo photo she’d found online. I’m a stickler for respecting the intellectual property of other artists, so I told her I’d look and see what I could find. Thankfully, her photo included the original artist’s name. I reached out to him and asked if he’d mind if I used his artwork for this and he graciously agreed. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a good traceable flat image of the artwork. So, I went to work in Illustrator, watching a ton of how-to videos on YouTube along the way (@designwisdom, your videos are top notch! Thank you!), and this is the final result. We modified the shading on the original design just a bit. Thank you, Ana, for the opportunity to learn Illustrator better! And, thank you, @tonyhennesseytattoo. I hope we did your artwork justice!


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