At the end of 2020, when I made the decision to purchase the laser, etching glass was one of my main motivating factors. I had just finished a massive glass etching project where I cut individual vinyl stencils with my cricut, applied them to each glass, added etching cream, waited a while, then washed the cream off the glass and removed the vinyl stencil. It was a laborious and time-consuming task!
Today, I finally started the work to be able to etch glass with the laser by running my settings test files on these glasses. Next, they will run through our dishwasher cycle every time we run it for the next several weeks to see how they hold up.
The etching cream was a chemical process that dissolved the surface layers of the glass. It held up very well to dishwashers. The laser etching is different in that it creates micro-factures in the glass, and I want to be sure it holds up just as well before moving to market this option.
Stay tuned for the results in the coming weeks.